Member Benefits


BETTER TOGETHER! Join us for a Stronger Community.

ATADC Member Benefits

Networking Events

Throughout the year, ATA-DC sponsors social and business meetings showcasing Turkish businesses and people in the community. Get you, and your company recognized, expand your business network, expand your friends, or just come and enjoy the day.

Community Connection

ATA-DC serves as an excellent avenue for connecting with individuals across various fields, such as legal, business, community, health, and marketing. Whether you have questions or seek expertise, ATA-DC can connect you with knowledgeable individuals.

Members receive a free subscription to the ATA News Magazine

The ATA News Magazine, a full color, print and digital community magazine, keeps you informed about the latest happenings in the Turkish community in DC.

Get involved: Voting Rights

Every ATA-DC member has the right to participate in all ATA-DC board elections. You can nominate yourself or others for the all-volunteer board, ensuring that your voice is actively part of the decision-making process.


Special discounts and advance buy options

Members of ATA-DC enjoy exclusive discounts for numerous ATA-DC and partner events, including The Atatürk School and the Turkish Republic Day Ball. Some events are complimentary for our members.

As a new iniative, ATA-DC provides a special membership to Working Advantage website. Working Advantage is the leading Corporate Discount Program provider, offering exclusive discounts and special offers on products, services and experiences you need and love. Save big on theme parks, attractions, hotels, rental cars, concerts, sports, live events, electronics, appliances, apparel, gift cards, movie tickets and much more. Please reach out to us to get the passcode for your membership.